It's been a busy month for Minnesota bridge players. In addition to everything going on at the Gopher Regional this month, two dozen players achieved the next step in their masterpoint rank - well done all of you! Here's a look at those players who are moving on to the next masterpoint rank in their bridge playing career:
| RUBY LIFE MASTER Connie Nelson [Avon]
BRONZE LIFE MASTER Susan Knauss [Rockville] Marc Ashton [Excelsior] ADVANCED NABC MASTER Sarah Wahl [Minneapolis] NABC MASTER David Klevan [St Paul] Cass Weil [Minneapolis] REGIONAL MASTER Kent Dalzell [Rochester] Karl Hansen [St Paul] Sandra Johnson [St Cloud] Harlan O'Wickre [Rochester] | | SECTIONAL MASTER James Brink [St Louis Park] Connie Falkenstein [Rochester] Margo Hinke [St Paul] Nancy Hartzler [St Paul] CLUB MASTER Gregory Augenbaugh [Rochester] Colleen Bassett [Cloquet] Douglas Moseman [Waterville] Lisa Olson [Rice] JUNIOR MASTER Christopher Caroll [Winona] Michael Henteges [Shakopee] Marilyn Olson [St Louis Park] Jon Pope [Brainerd] Patricia Schultz [Alexandria]
May 26 2024
Tom Grue's [Apple Valley] performance this week at the Gopher Regional is his first Gopher Tournament Championship, and he joins a long list of past Gopher Tournament Champions that includes many impressive players. Here is a look at the Tournament Champions for the Gopher over the past 20 years. | | |
May 25 2024
And that is a wrap - the tables have been put back in the trailer and the bidding boxes closed up for another year. First things first - the table count for this year increased over last year by +9.4%, to 752 tables. It's great news. Here is a look at the table counts, both year-over-year and a comparison to the first two post-COVID Gopher tournaments:
On the right hand chart above, you'll see that the Open pairs, Gold Rush, team tables, and even 299er tables over the past six days saw an increase in table counts. However the chart on the left shows that the KO teams fell sharply this year; there has already been some discussion that Swiss teams might replace the Golden Gopher KO next year. . .we will see what Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] and her crew decide when they have a post-mortem discussion on the tournament. But for now it's a chance to relax and celebrate the success of this event.
| | Your 2024 Gopher Regional Champion is Tom Grue [Apple Valley] who may well have needed to rent a wheelbarrow to help carry out his 88.78 masterpoints accrued through the week. Tom's teammates John Koch [St Cloud] and Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park] tied for 2nd place overall with 73.31 MPs. A total of 482 players earned some gold points over this past week - you can check out the list of all the masterpoint winners by clicking here. (Oh, and Tom wasn't just in it for the masterpoints this week! Tom was the volunteer in charge of organizing the takedown of all the tables today after the tournament.) |
May 25 2024
In addition to everything else that Mike Cassel [Roseville] does for bridge around here, you may have seen him running around the Gopher tournament taking some photos as well. He has done a terrific job with the Gopher Daily Bulletins, which include not just pictures but also lots of information on bidding and hands, and much, much more. Here are the Gopher Daily Bulletins, edited by Mike and sponsored by the Minnesota Grand Slam Club: A tip-of-the-hat to Mike, one of the many volunteers that make this tournament what it is!
May 25 2024
Sometimes at these tournaments it's just fun.
May 24 2024
Another 128 tables in play on day 5 at the Gopher Regional today - that makes 653 tables with one day to go. Considering only 25 tables are needed tomorrow to exceed last year's table count, this tournament will be a success in every way imaginable. Tom Grue [Apple Valley] has the masterpoint leadboard's top spot with 74.00 MPs so far. You can check out the list of all 462 players who have earned some gold points by clicking here.
With one day of bridge yet to go - here is your "Top Ten" list of masterpoint winners:
May 24 2024
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Our parent organization is advertising on local Minnesota websites - here is the link to the ACBL's "new to bridge?" page. They have been trying to incentive our local Minnesota Units to reach out to players (old and new), so it's nice to see the higher-ups are practicing what they preach.
May 24 2024
Through early Friday morning, tables in play at the Gopher are at 525.5; that's up +5.0% from last year's count (see Patti Stuhlman's report farther down on this page). Every category of play, from 299ers to team tables is up over last year (which was up over 2022). Still a lot of bridge to take place, but so far, it's all good.
May 24 2024
Minnesotans have made a clean sweep of the D14 GNT this year, and now that includes every single flight. Larry Uttley [Duluth], Bill Voedisch [Marine], Warren Nelson [Cloquet], and Dennis Cerkvenik [Minnetonka] will be representing D14 in the Flight "A" competition of the GNT at the Toronto NABC. They are one of four Minnesota teams we will be watching in July (the other teams are listed farther down on this webpage) and we're hoping they have good luck (and a GREAT time) representing D14 and Minnesota while at the NABC.
May 24 2024
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We're not sure what is in the water up in St Cloud, but THREE St Cloud DBC players made their Ruby Life Master the past couple of months. Scott Krupke [Little Falls], Connie Nelson [Avon], and Kathy Bredlie [St Cloud] all crossed the 1,500 masterpoint mark this spring - and of course, there was CAKE to be had! Congratulations to these three new Ruby LMs.
May 23 2024
Here's a special shout-out to Barry Purrington [Eagan] who crossed the 10,000 masterpoint mark this month. Barry has become a Platinum Life Master - a mark that only 15 active Minnesota players have achieved. When you see Barry this week at the Gopher, be sure to give him a thumbs up. (Also - we're keeping an eye on Peg Waller [Edina] who may shortly become Minnesota's active player #16 on this list with her current 9,865 MPs.)
May 23 2024
May 23 2024
Tournament Chair Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] gave an update on how things are going at the Gopher Regional this year on Thursday evening, as part of Unit 103's Board meeting at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. She says that she is "quite happy" with how things are going - and that the table count through Thursday is up 33 tables from the first four days of the tournament last year. The 532 (paid) tables so far included 35 teams on Thursday, which translated to four brackets of players (so many so that the game Thursday morning started about a half-hour late!). She credits the smooth running of the tournament to having "such a good committee", although we all know Patti's handling of the tournament is paramount to its success. Room nights at the hotel are about what was expected (and within a couple of room nights from Monday's expectations) so everything is looking good. Patti also said there is some uncertainty as to who will show up for the last two days of the event (as always), but she expects this tournament to make some money for Minnesota's two units. |
May 22 2024
The fun is just halfway done at the Gopher Regional Tournament; day 3 saw the team of Bob Balderson [Eden Prairie], Cindy Balderson [Eden Prairie], Carole Miner [Rochester], Brian Crossley [Burnsville] and Kerry Holloway [Bloomington] winning the coveted Peggy Kaplan Golden Gopher KO. Gary Knippenberg [Golden Valley] is hanging on to 1st place in the masterpoint race with 44.18 MPs over the three days - but 370 players have earned some gold points this week so far - so there's LOTS to go around.
| | And how about our Director-In-Charge? Matt Koltnow, making the rounds of the various rooms at the Gopher with his two friends (one of which he says is actually a "prairie dog that identifies as a Gopher.")
Richard Day [Shoreview] and Thomas Kiemen [Cottage Grove] bested the other 34 pairs in the Gold Rush today to come out on top. And Marjorie Michelin [Laguna Woods CA] made an appearance from Southern California! (You just don't know WHO is going to show up.) |
132 tables in play on day 3 at the Gopher, that's off -5.4% from last year's 139.5 tables on Wednesday. Lots of time to make those tables up and much more bridge coming through the rest of the week. Decent travel weather to and from the tournament is on tap for Thursday, although the construction along 494 still a bit of an issue. Plan on some extra travel time and we'll see you at the Crowne Plaza Hotel for some cards in the morning.
May 21 2024
Here on day 2 at the Gopher, the 129 tables of bridge in play were up 1.5 tables from last year's 127.5 Tuesday tables (or +1.2%). Through the first two days of this tournament, Gary Knippenberg [Golden Valley] has vaulted to the top of the masterpoint leaderboard with 38.06 MPs. You can check out all the results by clicking here - and a look at everyone who has gotten some scratch by clicking here.
Here's a QR code for today's Gopher Bulletin:
May 20 2024
This bridge tournament is underway! Day 1 at the Gopher is in the books, and a pretty good time was had by everyone. A special shout-out to all of those responsible for setting it up (that's tournament chair Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] with the big smile on her face in the photo above). Today's action saw 114 tables in play; that's very close to last year's 116 day 1 tables (or off -1.7%). Through day 1, it's Lynne Castoldi [Minnetonka] and Paul Meerschaert [Long Lake] atop the masterpoint leaderboard with 21.44 masterpoints. You can check out all the results by clicking here - and a look at the masterpoint winners by clicking here.
May 19 2024
June, July, and August are the three months during the bridge year when your local club will run North American Pairs (or "NAP") games. These games are definitely worth checking into, as they pay extra masterpoints - those masterpoint awards are half-red - and you can qualify to go further in the NAP competition later this fall. (District 14 NAP Finals will be held October 5th/6th online.)
With the Gopher starting tomorrow, area bridge clubs have got their June calendars out early. NAP games on these calendars are highlighted in red. And for less experienced players, remember that the NAP games are stratified - so 499ers have their own stratification - and when the D14 NAP rolls around in October, 499ers play among only 499ers in the Flight "C" category. Winners at the District level go on to play at the 2025 Spring NABC in Memphis TN.
The ACBL's Conditions of Contest for the NAP this summer can be found by clicking here. The D14 NAP CoC have not yet been issued - but should be any day now.
May 19 2024
Teri Blu [Minneapolis] is going to teach Intermediate Bridge Conventions at the Edina Senior Center; these classes will be on Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm. Classes start on June 4th and run through July 30th (with no class on July 2nd). Teri says "playing bridge is a combination of skill, luck, and your ability to communicate with your partner -- join this class to advance your bridge skills." To register for this class, contact the Edina Senior Center at 952-927-8861 or you can register online by clicking here. The cost for this course is $100.00. | | |
May 19 2024
Looking at the forecast for the upcoming week, why, it's as if Gopher Chair Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] has arranged this as well as everything else for the week. A week of unsettled weather is ahead, with periodic showers and storms - the kind of weather that's not so great for golfing or tennis, but it's perfect for a bridge game at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Of course the forecast is likely to change (especially towards the end of the week), but when you're putting on a week-long bridge get-together, this is exactly the kind of bridge-playing weather forecast you're looking for.
[Ed: As a meteorologist in my former life, I'd say look out for Tuesday. If coming to the Gopher, plan some extra travel time as rains look to be very impressive at some point Tuesday.]
May 18 2024
The last piece of the "which Minnesotans are going to Toronto" will fall into place this afternoon. Updates below as they happen.
Congratulations to the squad of Mark Lasoff [Minneapolis], David Trevor [Bloomington], David Goodrie [Plymouth], and David Neiman [Minneapolis] for winning a couple of hard fought battles today to win the D14 GNT Flight "B" competition! Coming in second was the team of Connie Nelson [Avon], Jim Schnepf [Avon], Bob Roediger [Rochester] and Matt Belau [Rochester]. All four Flight "B" teams in play today scored lots of GOLD masterpoints - and best of all, these four Minnesota teams all got to play a lot of competitive bridge. |
May 16 2024
The upcoming Gopher Regional provides a bit of a break from the club scene, and a look at the first twenty weeks of face-to-face bridge in Minnesota this year shows the bridge community is really coming out to play.
First, a look at F2F tables across Minnesota by Unit and geographical area - with most everyone showing nice growth from 2023 over the same first twenty weeks. Overall, the state has seen a year-over-year increase in F2F tables of +23.9%.
Second, here's a chart showing how Minnesota F2F tables have grown this year by Minnesota bridge clubs. Northfield doubled their Thursday games in 2024 (it was every other Thursday last year, this year it's every Thursday) - and Woodbury added a couple of games as well. This helps to explain their huge (relative) increase in their F2F tables since last year. Even those clubs showing limited growth (St Cloud and Maple Grove) have big Monday games that were not held this year (as New Year's was on a Monday, for example). Had these clubs held those Monday games, they'd be showing stronger year-over-year growth.
Finally, of the 722 new Minnesota tables at club face-to-face games in 2024 so far - who's accounting for the growth? Easily that would be the Bridge Center of St Paul, whose move to Roseville last summer and added games during the week have produced almost 40% of the new tables so far this year in Minnesota. (Even that number may be underestimating the impact of the BCofSP, as the Plymouth DBC accounts for 16.4% of the new Minnesota tables - and some of their games are now being held at the Roseville location.) Overall, bridge in Minnesota heading into the Gopher break is nicely on the upswing.
May 15 2024
Some ACBL clubs "name" their games when a player (or partnership) comes in 1st place three times in a row. If there are any Minnesota clubs that do this, we're all ears - but the Wednesday morning Maple Grove game over at the Edina Senior Center could easily renew this tradition. Joe Koester [Brooklyn Park] and John Schlundt [Eden Prairie] have been tops in the room now for three consecutive Wednesday mornings at the Maple Grove game - which is not a small feat, especially among that crowd of players. (Over the last three Wednesdays, this partnership has averaged a score of 69.52%.)
Will it be the "Koester/Schlundt Wednesday Pairs" as of May 29th? It could be. (Maybe it should be?)
May 15 2024
The set-up of tables is slated for Sunday afternoon; and the dealing of the cards gets going at 10am on Monday. It's not too late to schedule partners for the Gopher Regional next week (and not too late for hotel rooms, either, as the Crowne Plaza is honoring the Gopher rate even now).
A reminder that there is construction at 34th Avenue and I-494, so plan a little extra time in getting to the venue. Also remember that players under 15 masterpoints play for free in any event, thanks to Units 178 and 103. We will hopefully see YOU at the Gopher next week!
May 13 2024
Oooof. Twelve Minnesota players have been exited from the GNT Flight "B". The GNT competition at the District level has seen some twists and turns of late, but thankfully Keith Connolly [St Paul] is going to be at the helm of the D14 GNT going forward (so new blood and new ideas are ahead). But at the moment there is some confusion now as to what is happening with the Flight "B" competition. For some reason, the ACBL's Director for the Flight "B" games online has declared that this contest is over - and that the team headed by Mark Lasoff [Minneapolis] has won and advances to Toronto's NABC. The other twelve Minnesota players would be exited. All of this appears to conflict with D14's Conditions of Contest, which states that semi-finals and finals would take place this upcoming weekend. Some of the participating players in the Flight "B" competition are contesting this decision. We'll have an update if and when things get resolved. UPDATE: Here is why the ACBL canceled it: The current D14 GNT coordinator agreed these teams could play and finish everything in one weekend, if all four teams agreed. The ACBL has now determined this was modifying the CoC, and since these teams did not play Sunday after all, the contest is over. Many Minnesota players are upset: if they knew May 4th's Swiss was really for all the marbles, they'd have played differently, rather than trying to be one team of the top four. SECOND UPDATE: The ACBL claims the D14 Board voted to change the CoC prior to the competition May 4th, but members of the D14 Board say no such vote was taken. Lots of emails flying to try to get to the bottom of this, including some from the D14 GNT Coordinator explaining they "tried to modify" the CoC before May 4th but "it was too late". How the ACBL was able to determine the CoC had been changed when the D14 GNT Coordinator emailed players that said change was not possible is question number one. THIRD UPDATE: Efforts are being made to have these Minnesota players resume play this weekend - but in a much shorter contest (everything in one day). Costs of running this contest are now being cited as why shorter events are planned. Costs for NAP and GNT programs are funded in part by the Grass Roots Fund - so here is another great example of why you should support your local Minnesota club's Grass Roots Fund games. FOURTH UPDATE: It's back on. The ACBL "misinterpreted" something (they did not say what) and all Minnesota teams play Saturday. Kudos for them getting it right, even if it took some time - now can the play on Saturday possibly live up to the drama?
May 12 2024
Looking at bridge tables in play for the month of April 2024, it sure looks like Minnesota players are a bit more "in your face" than the national average. Not that this is a bad thing! It simply means we're more social as we are more likely to play in person than online. Of the 117,769 tables of ACBL-wide club bridge last month (F2F and virtual clubs), 90,319 of those tables (or 76.7%) were face-to-face. Minnesota had 1,077 tables of ACBL bridge played during the month of April this year - but only 36 of those tables were online. That means 96.7% of all Minnesota bridge tables were played in person - and that is much higher than the national average. NOTE that the month of April did have a "Stardust" week, which really amped up the BBO online turnout for the third week of the month. Also there may be some Minnesota players playing in out-of-state online BBO games, helping to drag down the ACBL-wide figures. But - still - it is quite a contrast!
May 11 2024
Quite the party at the Bridge Club of St Paul's Roseville location today, where Unit 178 dished out their 2023 Awards, a terrific luncheon, and of course, bridge. Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] and Peg Waller [Edina] took 1st place this afternoon among 16 tables of players in the event. Full results of the Saturday afternoon bridge game can be found by clicking here. Congratulations to all of the Unit 178 2023 Award winners (you can find a list of those winners here), and here is hoping everyone is getting a good start on their 2024 Award category competition. |
May 10 2024
There's still one flight to slug it out, but all four remaining Flight "B" teams are from Minnesota - so there's no question that Minnesota players will have swept every D14 GNT Flight this year. Well done! Keith Thompson [St Paul], Unit 103's GNT Coordinator, offers his congratulations and summary of the action (so far) with this statement he's just issued:"Two teams have won the honor of representing District 14 in the Grand National Team
finals to be held at the Summer Nationals in Toronto. After a slugfest battle on Saturday, May 4,
it took an extra eight board playoff to send the Connolly team onwards to the Open Flight finals
in Toronto. Congratulations to Keith Connolly, Vern Swing, Paul Meerschaert, and Robert
A different dynamic played out in the Flight C match contested by the teams headed by
David Nelmark and Chris Westermeyer. The Westermeyer team won every segment of the May
5 playoff, and will be looking to continue making waves in Toronto. Chris was playing with Ross
Anderson, Sarah Wahl, and Jackson Wahl.
Best of luck to both teams. Be warned should you encounter them at the Gopher
Regional, with its extensive slate of team games. We hope to see lots of action in the contest for
bragging rights.
The Flight B playoffs are down to four teams, and will continue action on Saturday, May
18. Results will be posted here as soon as they are available." --Keith Thompson [Ed.: I can almost guarantee you those results will be posted in real-time next weekend.] |
May 7 2024
The good people who are putting together the Gopher Regional later this month met for the final time on a Zoom call this afternoon. Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] reported that "all systems are go" for the tournament which starts in less than than two weeks.
Caddies are set; the set-up is scheduled Sunday at 2pm; partnership requests have begun; and the hotel has extended the room rate so that players can still make reservations under the "MGB" rate code.
The decision to have 0-15 masterpoint players play for free came after the flyer went to the printer, so although it's not on the flyer, units 178 and 103 are sponsoring those with fewer than 15 MPs. Also there will be some construction at 34th Avenue and 494, so players are asked to allow for some extra time to get to the game. One more email blast is going out to club managers and ambassadors around Minnesota. This group has put in a lot of work to make this tournament a success - hopefully we will see YOU at the Gopher starting on the 20th. | | |
May 6 2024
Courtesy of D14 President and local "El Jefe" Steve Gaynor [Inver Grove Heights], here's a look at the latest tournament schedule for those who like to plan ahead. Thanks to Steve for putting this together (as you know he has plenty to do already).
Click on the image to the right to open the schedule in a new window for viewing and printing. | |
May 5 2024
Two teams today in the D14 GNT Flight "C" competition - one from Minnesota and one from Iowa. With only two teams competing in this flight, the team that will represent D14 in Toronto will be decided this afternoon. Here is a look at the results as they come in:
PLAYERS | Match 1 | Match 2 | Match 3 | Match 4 | Chris Westermeyer Ross Anderson Sarah Wahl Jackson Wahl | 19 | 41 | 68 | 118 | David Nelmark Amar Nath Rhonda McCoy Mark Feld Bill Wallace | 6 | 19 | 30 | 55 |
Congratulations to Chris Westermeyer [Falcon Heights], Ross Anderson [Woodbury], Sarah Wahl [Minneapolis], and Jackson Wahl [Minneapolis] for moving on to represent D14 (and the state of Minnesota) in the Toronto NABC GNT Flight "C" teams!
May 4 2024
Five teams today in the D14 GNT "B" Flight, all Minnesotans:
PLAYERS | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 |
Mark Lasoff David Neiman David Trevor David Goodrie | 16.39 | 34.97 | 49.25 | 59.25 | 64.71 |
Keith Thompson Mary Wescott Tom Botten Arne Langsetmo | 13.43 | 23.43 | 29.15 | 44.67 | 62.35 |
Matt Belau Bob Roediger Jim Schnepf Connie Nelson | 6.57 | 26.01 | 36.01 | 42.01 | 56.55 |
Jeff Walker Lou Tesler Rolf Hubmayr Marc Ashton | 3.61 | 4.17 | 23.61 | 28.09 | 38.09 |
Joyce Lewis Mike Salscheider John Miller Jan Morris | 10 | 11.42 | 11.98 | 25.98 | 28.30 |
No winner yet in Flight "B" - the top 4 teams here will advance to play on Saturday the 18th (per D14's CoC). Here are the matchups for later this month:
May 4 2024
Two teams today in the D14 GNT Championship Flight - here is how it is going:
What a match to see who goes to Toronto! The Balderson/Beckman team had a lead after two of the four matches today, however the Connolly/Meerschaert team managed to come back and tie everything up after 48 boards. Everything went to an 8-board playoff - and with four of the five swing boards in overtime going to the Connolly/Meerschaert team, they are heading to Toronto to represent D14 (and Minnesota!) in July. (Links above are to each individual match.) Congratulations to the winners - and to all participants here for a well-fought nail-biting match.
Here is a look at two of the playoff boards in this match and how they were bid at each table - for every Minnesota bridge player who has wondered "how do I bid this?" with a hand, you'll see even the top-flight players in our state don't all bid the same.
May 3 2024
As late spring in Minnesota blooms, so do local bridge clubs as the snowbirds return from their southern travels. This month, the Detroit Lakes Bridge Club will get going as of May 14th and their twice-a-week games at St Luke's Episcopal Church in DL. Those games are sanctioned ACBL games - but there are plenty of non-sanctioned bridge games that get going around the state as well. And as your summer plans for being up at the lake develop, consider dropping in on a game (sanctioned or not, as it's still bridge and still fun). Also getting going in May will be the games up at Bemidji and Park Rapids, for example. The Bemidji Duplicate Bridge group plays at the Eagles Club each Tuesday during the summer season, while games in Park Rapids are played at the Park Rapids Senior Center on Thursdays at 12:30pm. There's a terrific article on these two non-sanctioned games from the Bemidji Pioneer (click here). You can get more information on these events by clicking here.
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May 2 2024
Congratulations to Chris Westermeyer [Falcon Heights] who just became a Life Master! Lots of monthly milestones to report this month - and hopefully a few celebratory cakes are in the works. Be sure to give a pat on the back to these players when you see them:
NEW Junior Masters: Ann Bradach [Carlton], Warren Leisinger [Pine City], Barb Owens [St Paul], Sandi Shapiro [Mendota Heights], Lynn Reis [Minneapolis], Matthew Yelle [Edina]
NEW Club Masters: Marilyn Krieger [Blue Earth], Del Otzenberger [Woodbury], David Wilhelm [Woodbury], Beverly Kasdan [Tucson]
NEW Sectional Master: Bonnie Lervik [Excelsior]
NEW Regional Master: Kristine Verdin [St Paul]
NEW NABC Master: Firoz Nilam [Lakeville]
NEW Life Master: Chris Westermeyer [Falcon Heights]
NEW Bronze Life Master: Mary Stern [Minneapolis]
NEW Silver Life Master: David Newhall [Mahtomedi]
NEW Ruby Life Master: Scott Krupke [Little Falls]
April 29 2024
This past weekend's NLM Tournament up in St Cloud found twelve (12!) brand new tournament bridge players competing for the silver points and fun. Not only that, but more than half of the first-timers collected some silver points! Here is a look at some fresh faces that you will hopefully continue to see at the bridge table in the future:
From L to R, first time playing in an ACBL tournament: Brian-Paul Crowder [Little Falls], Mark Huseth [St Cloud], Karen Winkelmann [Edina], James Brink [St Louis Park], Halli Nelson [College of St Benedict's], Alex Warzecha [College of St Benedict's], Rachel Lawrence [College of St Benedict's], Rich and Jane Matthews [St Cloud], Bill Schnettler [St Cloud], Mary McKenzie [St Cloud]. Missing from this photo is Margaret Kappes [Henning].
April 28 2024
Ok, truth be told, it's not just players in Maple Grove, but every bridge player has a handicap. (And we're not talking about forgetting an honor played a trick one.) A handicap score in bridge is similar to a handicap score in golf; the lower your handicap (especially if negative), the more successful player you are. But handicap scores do more than tell you who the best players in the club might be - they can be used to determine who is the "most improved" player (as handicaps change over time) - they can also be used in handicapped games of bridge to completely level the playing field for players when it comes to earning masterpoints. Minnesota clubs don't generally run handicapped games - but an occasional handicapped game might be of interest. Here is how it all works:
To obtain a handicap score in bridge, one generally accepted way to do it is to average the last ten games a player has played at a club - then divide that by two (as you are only one of a pair at the table) and subtract that from 50.00%. In this case, we're looking at Wednesday games in Maple Grove in 2024. There have been 18 of them. During these 18 games, there have been 149 players at the table from time to time - but only 49 of them have played in half the Wednesday games (9 or more is the criteria here). The other 100 players are discarded from this example, since someone who played in Maple Grove twice and had two 70.00% games couldn't possibly keep that up over another eight games - so it's unfair to compare them to the handicapped group in question.
When a club holds a handicapped game, it's not a question of who comes in 1st in the game (as in normal bridge games) - but who does better relative to their normal, average score in bridge (and this is where the handicap comes in). For example, a pair that averages a 40.00% game but does 4.00% better than average in a handicap game would come in 1st ahead of a pair that averages a 55.00% game and did only 2.00% better than their average. How does a 44.00% game beat a 57.00% game for masterpoints? Their handicap makes it happen. Adding handicaps to scores completely levels the playing field when it comes to awarding masterpoints - so everyone (great players and duffers alike) have the same chance to earn them. Ask your club manager about it if you'd like more info. In the meantime, a look at the right will show you handicaps for these Maple Grove players. (And if you're not on the list? As time goes on, and you play more often, you and your handicap will show up. Look for an updated list of Maple Grove players this summer.)
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April 28 2024
The St Cloud DBC held a one-day NLM event on Saturday, with 34 tables of players over the two sessions (that might well be a modern statewide record for a one-day NLM event). No other Minnesota club has had two section NLM games due to the huge crowd, so they are clearly doing something right in the Granite City.
The morning session found Sarah Wahl [Minneapolis] and Linus Bendel-Stenzel [Edina] on top of a (very large) heap, with the afternoon crowd champs of Victoria Jacobson [Oakdale] and Margie Robinson [White Bear Lake] coming out on top. Click here for Connie Nelson's recap of the big day including tons of photos and results.
April 28 2024
- when tons of extra bridge events merrily appear.
You've got D14 GNT action over two weekends next month; the Unit 178 Awards Luncheon; and of course, the Gopher Regional! That's in addition to your local club games paying extra masterpoints to support the ACBL's Grass Roots Fund. What a month to go "blissfully astray" at the bridge table!
April 26 2024
The Bridge Center of St Paul held enough "Stardust" games this week that one hundred (yes, 100!) players earned some Gold Dust over the past six days. In total, 23.27 gold points went out at their Roseville location this week - and that includes 16 players in their Thursday Chat Bridge game. Here's a look at those 100 - and congratulations!
April 25 2024
Of the 48 active D14 bridge clubs, 10 of them have a Wednesday afternoon sanction - but just 1 of these D14 clubs held the ACBL-Wide Charity game on Wednesday afternoon. (This is a game that can only be held Wednesday afternoon, so clubs that don't already have that session sanctioned, would have to make a special effort to hold it.) The sole D14 club participating was down in Rochester, and the result was that local players dominated the D14 overall awards - which were huge.
Judy Argue [Rochester] and Colleen Stacey [Zumbro Falls] came in 1st overall for ten full masterpoints. Here's a look at the overalls for D14 - full results for the ACBL nationwide can be found by clicking here - and the next ACBL-Wide Charity Game benefits the Junior Fund, which will be held on Monday, August 19. Check with your local club to see if they will be running this game in August - and if not, it might be worth a drive.
April 24 2024
Looking at the first sixteen weeks of 2024 (and comparing table counts to the same weeks one year ago), the percentage of in-person tables in play has increased dramatically. The chart below shows the weekly percentage of in-person tables compared to the total of in-person and BBO VACB tables for Minnesota clubs; you'll see the shift over the past year to face-to-face play has been pretty dramatic, with almost every week now having more than 90% of bridge tables F2F. This is not unique to Minnesota, of course, as BBO VACB clubs have been shedding players across North America. But given the mood considering in-person bridge play in 2020 and 2021, when COVID shut everything down, it's great to have people back in the club - and nice to see familiar faces.
April 23 2024
Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] has just about wrapped up the advance work for Minnesota's big tournament next month - but there's one more request she has to make the tournament complete. Caddies are needed during the week (Monday through Friday). Here is Patti's request and contact information:
Caddies are needed Monday-Friday May 20-24 at the Gopher Regional. Do you know young people age 10+, teenagers. Grandchildren, spouse who would like to work at the tournament? $50/session $100/day. Morning session 9:30-1:30, afternoon session 2:00-6:00. Contact Patti Stuhlman at 612-865-2527 or
April 22 2024
You have probably already got your partnerships set for the Gopher Regional next month in Bloomington; but if not, you've got less than a month to schedule your teammate(s)! As of today, we are four weeks away from the start of the big tournament at the Crowne Plaza Aire Hotel. Cheapest hotel rooms at the host hotel are still available through this Sunday; Mike Cassel [Roseville] has put together the pre-tournament bulletin (see below). Click on either the pre-tournament bulletin or the flyer below to open in a new window. UPDATE: The host hotel has extended the discounted bridge rate for reservations to May 10th (as long as rooms are available). You can make a reservation at the host hotel by clicking here.
April 21 2024
This week proved to be quite fruitful for the dozens of Minnesota players that made the trek to the Gatlinburg TN Regional. It's the closest thing to an NABC that isn't an NABC, and there is undoubtedly no shortage of stories to come from the past seven days. On top of the dinners and wild contracts and overall fun of the past week, Minnesota players earned quite a few masterpoints as well. Here's a look at how your local partners (and opponents) did while in the Volunteer State.
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April 20 2024
Next Saturday (the 27th) will be St Cloud's one-day Non-Life Master sectional at the Sartell Community Center (flyer to the right). Connie Nelson [Avon] says they're expecting at least sixteen tables (!) and have room for plenty more. The forecast towards the end of the week is for some unsettled weather (breezy, mid-50s, maybe a few showers), which would be perfect for some F2F bridge games. Partnership info is on the flyer to the right. (Click on the flyer to the right to open in a new window to print or view.) | | |
April 19 2024
Minnesota clubs are a little lighter on the table counts this week, as dozens of local players have made the trip to "America's Favorite Regional" in Tennessee. The St Cloud area alone could have chartered their own coach to Gatlinburg, with over fifteen area players getting in on the fun there! Here's a photo from the tournament this week, from L to R that's Nancy Balfanz [St Cloud], Lynn Schnettler [St Cloud], Amy Roske [St Cloud], Rhonda Rossman [Cold Spring], Judy Knutson [St Cloud], and Saundy Fedor [Waite Park].
April 18 2024
Minnesota's Grand Slam Club has made the move from Friday evenings to Tuesday evenings for their weekly game. In addition to the change of weekday, it's also in a new location - the game will take place wherever you happen to be. If you're looking to play Tuesday evenings, the MGSC game is now online on BBO and gets going at 6:30pm. (There's also a Zoom meeting after the game to go over hands!) |
April 14 2024
18 tables of players showed up to honor the Unit 103 Awards winners at the Bridge Center of St Paul on Saturday; a shout-out to Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park] and John Koch [St Cloud] who bested all comers to win the open crowd. You can check out all the scores and contracts for the open crowd by clicking here. In the 499er game, it was Virginia Hughes [St Paul] and Judy Lipovetz [Stillwater] that came in 1st overall. Scores and results for the 499er game on Saturday can be found by clicking here. Amy Dutton [Mendota Heights] provided the spread and Sue Greenberg [Byron] oversaw the presentation of the awards. (Thanks to the BCofSP for hosting - and next up would be Unit 178's Awards, that's on May 11th. Details in an earlier item below.) A few snapshots from the game (including the new Diamond Master, Warren Nelson [Cloquet]):
April 12 2024
Keith Thompson [St Paul] has issued the D14 instructions for Grand National Teams play going forward (and heading to Toronto's NABC). The really good news is that even if you haven't already qualified to play in the semi-finals next month, you still have the opportunity to compete!
The D14 teams semi-finals are on May 4th or 5th, depending on your flight. There are three ways to qualify to play in these semi-finals on BBO. Here is how you can get a team together and get in on the action:
| | If you played in ANY Grand National Team game, you've qualified to play online the first weekend in May. Minnesota clubs are also allowed to hold additional GNT games through the end of this month, and if they do, play in it! You'll be qualified regardless of your finish. And finally, there is a "buy-in" option. For an additional $10 per player, even if you have not qualified previously to play in this year's GNT games, you will be allowed to participate online in May.
If you can't remember playing in a GNT game, look for your name on the ACBL's D14 qualifier list by clicking here. |
THE NEXT STEP IS REGISTERING YOUR TEAM TO PLAY: The entry fee to play in D14's GNT Semi-Finals is $120 per team for the two-session contest (or $30 per player). Send this check, along with any additional $10 buy-in checks (if needed), to:Keith Thompson 1544 Minnehaha Avenue East St Paul MN 55106 Be sure to include the names, ACBL numbers, and BBO handles of all team players with your checks.
THEN - THE FUN TAKES PLACE There are four flights in the Grand National Teams. Saturday, May 4 at 10am would be the Open Flight (that's open to any team) and the Flight B Swiss (no player with more than 2,500 masterpoints as of November 1, 2023). The following day, Sunday, May 5 at 10am is the Flight A Swiss (no player with more than 6,000 masterpoints as of November 1, 2023) and the Flight C NLM Swiss (no player with more than 500 masterpoints as of November 1, 2023).
To check out the D14 GNT Conditions of Contest and Keith's original document with the detailed information, click here. We'll hope to see YOU and your teammates in Toronto at the NABC.
April 9 2024
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Your Gopher Regional crew (headed by Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis]) met for the "penultimate" time Tuesday afternoon on a zoom meeting call to go over everything in advance of the fun next month. All of the "i"s are properly getting dotted and all of the "t"s crossed, so everything is "doing pretty well" according to Patti. Mentioned in the meeting were items including finalizing caddies (paying $100/day), who is likely to be making boards for the tournament, a special appearance at the Gopher this year by Dennis Carman (the head of Region 5!), and the set up of the tables for the big event.
Our DIC (Matt Koltnow) for the Gopher let everyone know the ACBL's COVID policy has completely changed starting May 13th. No longer will masks be required, no longer are covid vaccinations required, you cannot require your opponents to wear a mask, nor can you put anything on the tournament flyers about COVID, and Safety Event Coordinators (which were required by the ACBL) are no longer. Hand sanitizers will still be available in the playing area, and people who are not feeling well will still hopefully do the right thing and stay home! One more meeting next month is scheduled and then the Gopher Regional takes place. Thanks again to everyone who is helping to put this week of tournament bridge together - it takes a lot of volunteers (and their time) to pull it off.
April 7 2024
How often is the combined ages of the other three players at your bridge table still less than your own age?
(That's Cecilia Ehrlichman [Northfield] as your LHO, Sarah Wahl [Minneapolis] as your partner, and Kyra Helmbold [Northfield] as your RHO, combined ages at the time of this round of bridge: 68.)
April 6 2024
110 tables, that's up 1/2 table from last year's Spring Tournament. 109 different players earned some silver masterpoints, and a special shout-out goes to Cindy Balderson [Eden Prairie] and Carole Miner [Rochester], your 2024 Rochester Tournament Co-Champions (their limo back to the Twin Cities escorted them out before we could get a photo - but next time!).
If you would like to see any or all of the results from this tournament, please click here. And a few photos of the fun from this past week:
April 5 2024
For players at the Rochester Sectional, two days out of three is showing 97 (!) different players earning masterpoints - with two sessions to go tomorrow. Here's a look at the "top 40" masterpoint earners so far. | |
April 5 2024
Following separate Unit 178 and Unit 103 board meetings last month, a joint meeting on Unit unification was held yesterday afternoon in Rochester. Present were Steve Gaynor [Inver Grove Heights], Sue Greenberg [Byron], Tom Botten [Prior Lake], Rajiv Kapadia [Mankato], Matt Belau [Rochester], Keith Thompson [St Paul], Jane Schmidt [St Paul], and Kim Hayward [Bayport]. From the meeting notes: Each unit has the opportunity to dissolve itself and create one unit across all of Minnesota, but at this time neither unit is willing to do so - which means any (offical) unification of the units is on hold.
Despite agreeing to keep the units separate, the consensus among those in the joint meeting was that communication and cooperation between the units has vastly improved over the past couple of years, and it was decided to continue to build on these cooperative efforts. There is still more work to be done - and while many bridge players may not fully understand (or even care) about these discussions, that's okay as long as it doesn't interfere with their enjoyment of this great game of bridge. Going forward, that will continue to be the blueprint for your two Minnesota units. . .not to interfere with keeping bridge players happy.
Here's a friendly reminder if you'd like to get involved with your unit, check with either board president (Steve or Sue) or just let one of your current board members know. Open board positions are available to be filled - and unit elections are just around the corner. |
April 4 2024
Day 1 of Rochester's Spring Sectional is in the books, and already the map of attending players extends into three neighboring states. Players that competed on Thursday came from North Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, in addition to a couple dozen players from the Twin Cities metro area - and of course the locals at the tournament bridge table. Tables today were up slightly over last year (up +4.1%) - and so far everyone having fun. To the right is a look at where these day 1 players came from to earn some silver points at the tournament.
One day into the tournament, Tom Botten [Prior Lake] and Joyce Johnson [Prior Lake] lead the pack, having earned 11.70 masterpoints. Among the Non-Life Master crowd, Arylce Anderson [Mankato] and Judy Jackson [Mankato] are in 1st place with 3.02 masterpoints, and that's with lots of bridge yet to come.
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April 3 2024
A quick tip of the hat to everyone, at every club, that works so hard to keep our bridge games going - and that means clean-up. Not just post-games, but the seasonal deep clean (as those sticky bidding boxes don't clean themselves). Here's a few photos of some Rochester DBC members who spent a couple of hours today getting ready to receive players from all over for their sectional tomorrow. . .but this scene isn't limited to Rochester. Wherever you play bridge, don't forget to thank those that do the hard work (and if you feel so inclined, they'll probably love for you to volunteer and help).
April 2 2024
In addition to the two big milestones resulting in two new Diamond Life Masters (see next item below), lots of Minnesota players made achievements this month to keep moving forward. Here is a look at what our local players achieved in March:
New JUNIOR MASTER: Aydn Math [Northfield] Ethan Lynch [St Anthony]
New CLUB MASTER: Bob Friedhoff [Rochester] Bridget Gallagher [Blue Earth] Bob Jessen [Rochester] Scott Hoversten [Woodbury] Alan Kasdan [Tucson] Robert Stark [Mankato]
New SECTIONAL MASTER: Dennis Hoidal [Columbus] Teri Kratoska [Rochester] Marc Anderson [Burnsville] Robert Engstrom [Minneapolis] Gary Falkenstein [Rochester] Stephen Polski [Ham Lake] Richard Trachy [Golden Valley]
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New REGIONAL MASTER: Elaine Neithzel [New Ulm] Dan Ganter [Maple Grove] Bill Sozansky [Duluth]
New NABC MASTER: Alicia Dettling [Cannon Falls] Thomas Kiemen [Cottage Grove] Dan McElroy [Burnsville]
New BRONZE LIFE MASTER: Catherine Wehrman [Shoreview] Tom Botten [Prior Lake] Todd Flowerday [Coon Rapids] Rolf Hubmayr [Minneapolis]
| | New SILVER LIFE MASTER: John Woog [Rochester] Jerry Bartlett [Lindstrom]
New RUBY LIFE MASTER: Gerry Keith [Lino Lakes] Mike Salscheider [Rochester] Kathleen Bredlie [Surprise]
New GOLD LIFE MASTER: Andrew Caranicas [St Paul]
New DIAMOND LIFE MASTER: Warren Nelson [Cloquet] Jean Boettcher [Inver Grove Heights]
April 2 2024
Congratulations to both Jean Boettcher [Inver Grove Heights] and Warren Nelson [Cloquet] who went over the 5,000 masterpoint level this past month! Let's get some cake ordered and make the party reservations - as these two both have achieved a terrific milestone on their bridge journey. Of course, it's not just their regular partners that contributed to their achievement, but all of their opponents had something to do with this IYKWIM. Well done, Jean and Warren - and when you see either of these two at the bridge table, be sure to give them a thumbs up.
April 1 2024
By now, many of you have heard that our own Kim Hayward [Bayport] is heading to warmer climes (Scottsdale AZ!) - how hard is it to say goodbye to our favorite ACBL director!? TERRIBLY hard. We had some questions for our favorite club manager as we find it difficult to consider the future of Minnesota bridge with the departure of the very glue that holds us together - so we sat down over lunch to chat a bit about how she is doing and her plans for the future:
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[Table Talk:] Well, the news is out. You must be aware that nobody is going to be happy about this. [Kim Hayward:] (Laughing) Hey, I'm happy about this! But I understand how people will react to my departure - it's going to be hard for me to leave Minnesota. The Bridge Center of St Paul is doing great and the people have been so wonderful. [TT:] We know this is something you've been considering for awhile - but it's still got to be tough for you. [Kim:] Of course it is. For awhile now, my partner and I have been considering a warmer climate, and as it turns out, some opportunities just happened to work out that made a move now the right thing for us. [TT:] You know this is one of those situations where it's going to be terrible for the rest of us, right? While at the same time we do hope the best for you. [Kim:] Thank you, that's nice of you to say. [TT:] You know it's true! What is your plan for bridge in Scottsdale? [Kim:] Besides playing more? Both Bridge on Shea and InTempo Bridge clubs are looking for directors, and I know a few people at each of those clubs - so I'll probably start at one or both directing some games. But it will be a nice break from being in charge of running an entire club. Also, did I mention that it would be warmer? [TT:] Right - even though we just had the warmest winter on record in Minnesota! [Kim:] I've been here through plenty of winters, but it does seem ironic that this move happens to be taking place following such a mild Minnesota winter. [TT:] Tell us more about the timing, and when we will see you again. [Kim:] Nothing is happening until next month; I'll be at the BCSP through mid-May, and of course I have a few sectionals to direct before then - and the Gopher! I'll definitely be at the Gopher this year. [TT:] And the goodbye parties? When do they happen? [Kim:] Well. . .I'm trying to discourage any big productions for a party, but Larry [Huiras] is planning something at the club. Patti Stuhlman has asked me about a reception at the Gopher. I'm really not that comfortable with people making such a big deal. [TT:] That's too bad, since you're such a terrific person and everyone will want to make a big deal out of your departure. If there was something you wanted to tell bridge players across Minnesota, what would it be? [Kim:] (Laughing) Oh, there are a LOT of things I could say right now. But I guess people should know I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had here - and that there are some really wonderful people in our bridge community. [TT:] It won't be the same - I don't suppose we could guilt you into staying in Minnesota? [Kim:] Ha! You can try. [TT:] Seriously, though, everyone wishes you the best, and we know that our loss is Scottsdale's gain. [Kim:] Thank you. It's definitely been a bittersweet process to come to this decision. But I'll be around for awhile yet. And Minnesota bridge (and players) will always have a place in my heart. Once plans for a farewell get-together are put in place, we'll post them here. And can we just add our appreciation for everything Kim has done for bridge and for us over the years? For more details on Kim's departure and a bit more Q and A, click here.
[Ed: If clicking on the link embedded just above is not clue enough, please do take note of the date of this news item at the top.]